Publications & Grants
Curriculum vitae (CV): Taylor McLinden (March 2023)
Peer-reviewed manuscripts: n = 39
Tannar B, Olar P, Kilburn S, Brown-Blake K, Al-Jaishi AA, Blake PG, Clemens KK, Cook C, Dember LM, Dixon SN, Goldstein CE, Ishani A, Joyes C, Judge C, Kaufman JC, Mackenzie SQ, McLinden T, Molnar AO, Murdoch A, Nesrallah G, Pandeya S, Rigatto C, Roshanov PS, Schorr M, Silver SA, Smith RM, Stalker L, Tangri N, Taljaard M, Tennankore KK, Vorster H, Weijer C, Wolf M, Zwarenstein M, Garg AX. (2025). Cultivating Innovative, Pragmatic, Randomized Controlled Registry Trials Embedded in Hemodialysis Care: Conference Proceeding From Gardener's Grove 2023. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease, 14;12:20543581251318442.
Marziali ME, Hansen S, Kooij KW, Budu M, Ye M, Tam C, McLinden T, Emerson SD, Montaner JSG, Parashar S, Hogg RS. (2025). Housing matters: The long-term impact of stable housing on mortality among people with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. Social Science & Medicine, 19;367:117713.
Mudhikwa CV, Salters K, Kooij KW, McLinden T, Emerson SD, Ye M, Li J, Tam C, Nicholson V, Hogg RS, Closson K. (2025). Experiences of violence and hospitalization rates among people living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. AIDS Care, 28:1-12.
Emerson SD, McLinden T, Sereda P, Yonkman AM, Trigg J, Peterson S, Hogg RS, Salters KA, Lima VD, Barrios R. (2024). Secondary use of routinely collected administrative health data for epidemiologic research: Answering research questions using data collected for a different purpose. International Journal of Population Data Science, 19;9(1):2407.
Lepik KJ, Hunt OL, Bacani N, Wang L, Harris M, Toy J, McLinden T, Sereda P, Akagi LJ, Ready E, Montaner JS, Barrios R. (2024). Adverse drug reactions attributed to generic substitution of antiretroviral medications among HIV treatment and pre-exposure prophylaxis clients in British Columbia, Canada. Antiviral Therapy, 29(1):13596535241233128.
Tam C, Wesseling T, Wang L, Salters K, Moore DM, Dawydiuk N, Zhu J, Grieve S, Bingham B, McLinden T, Hogg R, Barrios R. (2023). It's all about connection: Determinants of social support and the influence on HIV treatment interruptions among people living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. BMC Public Health, 23(1):2524.
Emerson SD, McLinden T, Sereda P, Lima VD, Hogg RS, Kooij KW, Yonkman AM, Salters KA, Moore D, Toy J, Wong J, Consolacion T, Montaner JSG, Barrios R. (2023). Identification of people with low prevalence diseases in administrative healthcare records: A case study of HIV in British Columbia, Canada. PLOS ONE, 18(8):e0290777.
Yazdani K, Dhillon N, Tung A, Ye M, Trigg J, Stanley C, Ni Gusti Ayu N, McLinden T, Lima VD, Barrios R, Hogg R, Montaner JSG, Salters K. (2023). Dynamics of overdose and non-overdose mortality among people living with HIV amidst the illicit drug toxicity crisis in British Columbia. AIDS Care, 36:2,263-271.
Fonseca-Cuevas A, Newsome P, Wang L, Chen MY, Richardson CG, Hull M, McLinden T, Guillemi S, Barrios R, Montaner JSG, Lima VD. (2023). Identifying Longitudinal CD4:CD8 Ratio Trajectories Indicative of Chronic Renal Disease Risk among People Living with HIV: An Application of Growth Mixture Models. Viruses, 15(2):385.
Closson K, Nicholson V, Lee M, McLinden T, Cassidy-Matthews C, Card KG, Marziali ME, Trigg J, Wang L, Parashar S, Montaner JSG, Gibbs A, Hart TA, Kaida A, Hogg RS. (2022). Associations between psychosocial factors and antiretroviral therapy outcomes differ by gender and sexual orientation among people living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. AIDS Care, 35:2,296-305.
Haber NA, Wieten SE, Rohrer JM, Arah OA, Tennant PWG, Stuart EA, Murray EJ, Pilleron S, Lam ST, Riederer E, Howcutt SJ, Simmons AE, Leyrat C, Schoenegger P, Booman A, Dufour MK, O’Donoghue AL, Baglini R, Do S, Takashima M, Evans TR, Rodriguez-Molina D, Alsalti TM, Dunleavy DJ, Meyerowitz-Katz G, Antonietti A, Calvache JA, Kelson MJ, Salvia MG, Parra CO, Khalatbari-Soltani S, McLinden T, Chatton A, Seiler J, Steriu A, Alshihayb TS, Twardowski SE, Dabravolskaj J, Au E, Hoopsick RA, Suresh S, Judd N, Peña S, Axfors C, Khan P, Rivera Aguirre AE, Odo NU, Schmid I, Fox MP. (2022). Causal and Associational Language in Observational Health Research: A systematic evaluation. American Journal of Epidemiology, 191(12):2084-2097.
McClean AR, Trigg J, Ye M, McLinden T, Kooij KW, Bacani N, Hui C, Sereda P, Burchell AN, Walmsley SL, Kelly D, Machouf N, Montaner JSG, Loutfy M, Hogg RS. (2022). Neighbourhood-level material deprivation and response to combination antiretroviral therapy in the Canadian Observational Cohort (CANOC): a longitudinal cohort study. CMAJ Open, 10(1):E183-E189.
Lepik KJ, Wang L, Harris M, McLinden T, Guliani S, Akagi L, Toy J, Sereda P, Lima VD, Montaner JSG, Barrios R. (2022). Evolving patterns of antiretroviral drug interactions in people with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. AIDS, 36(8):1105-1115.
Nanditha NGA, Dong X, McLinden T, Sereda P, Kopec J, Hogg RS, Montaner JSG, Lima VD. (2022). The impact of lookback windows on the prevalence and incidence of chronic diseases among people living with HIV: an exploration in administrative health data in Canada. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 6;22(1):1.
Nanditha NGA, Zheng G, Tafessu HM, McLinden T, Bratu A, Kopec J, Hogg RS, Montaner JSG, Lima VD. (2021). Disparities in multimorbidity and mortality among people living with and without HIV across British Columbia's health regions: a population-based cohort study. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 112:1030-1041.
McClean AR, Kooij KW, Trigg J, Ye M, Sereda P, McLinden T, Bacani N, Aran N, Thomas R, Wong A, Klein MB, Hull M, Cooper C, Salters K, Hogg RS. (2021). Tobacco smoking and HIV-related immunologic and virologic response among individuals of the Canadian HIV Observational Cohort (CANOC). AIDS Care, 34:8,982-991.
Bratu A, McLinden T, Kooij K, Ye M, Li J, Trigg J, Sereda P, Nanditha NGA, Lima V, Guillemi S, Salters K, Hogg R. (2021). Incidence of diabetes mellitus among people living with and without HIV in British Columbia, Canada between 2001 and 2013: a longitudinal population-based cohort study. BMJ Open, 2021;11:e048744.
Lima VD, Wang L, Sereda P, McLinden T, Barrios R, Montaner JSG. (2021). Estimation of time of HIV seroconversion using a modified CD4 depletion model. PLOS ONE, 6(2):e0246135.
Nanditha NGA, Paiero A, Tafessu HM, St-Jean M, McLinden T, Justice AC, Kopec J, Montaner JSG, Hogg RS, Lima VD. (2021). Excess burden of age-associated comorbidities among people living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada: a population-based cohort study. BMJ Open, 2021;11:e041734.
Marziali ME, McLinden T, Card KG, Closson K, Wang L, Trigg K, Salters K, Lima VD, Parashar S, Hogg RS. (2021). Social Isolation and Mortality Among People Living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. AIDS and Behavior, 25:377-388.
Marziali ME, Card KG, McLinden T, Closson K, Wang L, Trigg J, Salters K, Lima VD, Parashar S, Hogg RS. (2021). Correlates of social isolation among people living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. AIDS Care, 33:5,566-574.
McLinden T, Stover S, Hogg RS. (2020). HIV and Food Insecurity: A Syndemic Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. AIDS and Behavior, 24:2766-2769. [Commentary]
Closson K, McLinden T, Parry R, Lee M, Gibbs A, Kibel M, Wang L, Trigg J, Braitstein P, Pick N, Parashar S, Montaner JSG, Kaida A, Hogg RS. (2020). Severe intimate partner violence is associated with all-cause mortality among women living with HIV. AIDS, 34(10):1549-1558.
Marziali ME, Card KG, McLinden T, Wang L, Trigg J, Hogg RS. (2020). Physical Distancing in COVID-19 May Exacerbate Experiences of Social Isolation among People Living with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 24:2250-2252. [Commentary]
Marziali ME, Armstrong HL, Closson K, McLinden T, Wang L, Barath J, Harris M, Roth EA, Moore DM, Lachowsky NJ, Hogg RS, Sang JM, Card KG. (2020). Loneliness and self-rated physical health among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Vancouver, Canada. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 74(7):553-559.
Koehn K, McLinden T, Collins AB, McDougall P, Baltzer-Turje R, Miewald C, Wang L, Li J, Salters KA, Hogg RS, Parashar S. (2020). Assessing the impact of food insecurity on HIV medication adherence in the context of an integrated care programme for people living with HIV in Vancouver, Canada. Public Health Nutrition, 23(4):683-690.
Closson K, McLinden T, Patterson TL, Eyawo O, Kibel M, Card KG, Salters K, Chau W, Ye M, Hull MW, Lima VD, Montaner JSG, Hogg RS. (2019). HIV, schizophrenia, and all-cause mortality: a population-based cohort study of individuals accessing universal medical care from 1998 to 2012 in British Columbia, Canada. Schizophrenia Research, 209:198-205.
McLinden T. (2019). Which is the cart and which is the horse? Getting more out of cross-sectional epidemiological studies. Public Health Nutrition, 22(11):2030-2032. [Commentary]
Allan B, Closson K, Collins AB, Kibel M, Pan S, Cui Z, McLinden T, Parashar S, Lima VD, Chia J, Yip B, Barrios R, Montaner JSG, Hogg RS. (2019). Physicians' patient base composition and mortality among people living with HIV who initiated antiretroviral therapy in a universal care setting. BMJ Open, 2019;9:e023957.
Almeida-Brasil CC, Moodie EEM, McLinden T, Hamelin A-M, Walmsley SL, Rourke SB, Wong A, Klein MB, Cox J. (2018). Medication non-adherence, multi-tablet regimens, and food insecurity are key experiences in the pathway to incomplete HIV suppression. AIDS, 32(10):1323-1332.
McLinden T, Moodie EEM, Harper S, Hamelin A-M, Anema A, Aibibula W, Klein MB, Cox J. (2018). Injection drug use, food insecurity, and HIV-HCV co-infection: a longitudinal cohort analysis. AIDS Care, 30(10):1322-1328.
McLinden T, Moodie EEM, Hamelin A-M, Harper S, Rossi C, Walmsley SL, Rourke SB, Cooper C, Klein MB, Cox J. (2018). Methadone treatment, severe food insecurity, and HIV-HCV co-infection: a propensity score matching analysis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 20(185):374-380.
Aibibula W, Cox J, Hamelin A-M, Moodie EEM, Naimi AI, McLinden T, Klein MB, Brassard P. (2018). Food insecurity may lead to incomplete HIV viral suppression and less immune reconstitution among HIV/hepatitis C virus-coinfected people. HIV Medicine, 19(2):123-131.
Aibibula W, Cox J, Hamelin A-M, Moodie EEM, Naimi AI, McLinden T, Klein MB, Brassard P. (2017). Impact of Food Insecurity on Depressive Symptoms Among HIV-HCV Co-infected People. AIDS and Behavior, 21(12):3464-3472.
McLinden T, Moodie EEM, Hamelin A-M, Harper S, Walmsley SL, Paradis G, Aibibula W, Klein MB, Cox J. (2017). Injection Drug Use, Unemployment, and Severe Food Insecurity Among HIV-HCV Co-Infected Individuals: A Mediation Analysis. AIDS and Behavior, 21(12):3496-3505.
Aibibula W, Cox J, Hamelin A-M, McLinden T, Klein MB, Brassard P. (2017). Association Between Food Insecurity and HIV Viral Suppression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. AIDS and Behavior, 21(3):754-765.
Cox J, Hamelin A-M, McLinden T, Moodie EEM, Anema A, Rollet-Kurhajec KC, Paradis G, Rourke SB, Walmsley SL, Klein MB. (2017). Food Insecurity in HIV-Hepatitis C Virus Co-infected Individuals in Canada: The Importance of Co-morbidities. AIDS and Behavior, 21(3):792-802.
McLinden T, Sargeant JM, Thomas MK, Papadopoulos A, Fazil A. (2014). Association Between Component Costs, Study Methodologies, and Foodborne Illness–Related Factors with the Cost of Nontyphoidal Salmonella Illness. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 11(9):718-726.
McLinden T, Sargeant JM, Thomas MK, Papadopoulos A, Fazil A. (2014). Component costs of foodborne illness: a scoping review. BMC Public Health, 14:509.
Peer-reviewed grant funding: n = 2
Principal investigator: Hogg RS. Co-investigators: Barrios R, Kooij K, Lima VD, McLinden T, Montaner JS, Parashar S, Salters K. Providing insight into and mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the occurrence, severity, complications, and long-term health effects of drug overdoses in people living with and without HIV in British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Operating Grant (Spring 2022 Competition): $480,992 over 2 years.
Principal investigators: Moore DM, Parashar S, Salters K. Co-investigators: Lester RT, Lima VD, McLinden T. Engaging and retaining marginalized populations in primary health care in the downtown east side of Vancouver. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant (Spring 2020 Competition): $994,500 over 5 years.
Peer-reviewed conference abstracts: n = 49
<Stopped updating in 2023>
Kooij K, Marziali M, Trigg J, Ye M, McLinden T, Budu M, Salters K, Barrios R, Montaner J, Hogg R. A Comparative Study of Nonfatal Overdoses in People With and Without HIV in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by Kooij K.) at the 2023 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Quebec City, Quebec. CAHR 2023, p. 77.
Emerson S, McLinden T, Sereda P, Yonkman A, Montaner J, Barrios R. Identification of people living with HIV in administrative healthcare records: A population-based data linkage study in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by Emerson S.) at the 2023 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Quebec City, Quebec. CAHR 2023, p. 85.
McLinden T. Pragmatic randomized controlled trials: an evolving tool for HIV research in Canada. Abstract presented (by McLinden T.) at the 2023 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Quebec City, Quebec. CAHR 2023, p. 309.
Budu M, Kooij K, Li J, Ye M, McLinden T, Emerson S, Montaner J, Hogg R. The Association Between Rurality and 30-Day Hospital Readmissions Among People With and Without HIV: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Abstract presented (by Budu M.) at the 2023 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Quebec City, Quebec. CAHR 2023, p. 311.
Yonkman A, Sereda P, Trigg J, Lima V, Emerson S, McLinden T, Montaner J, Barrios R. Updating the STOP HIV/AIDS program monitoring strategy to reflect the changing landscape of HIV/AIDS in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by Yonkman A.) at the 2023 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Quebec City, Quebec. CAHR 2023, p. 313.
Hunt OL, Lepik JK, Bacani N, Wang L, Toy J, Sereda P, McLinden T, Akagi L, Harris M, Ready E, Trigg J, Montaner JSG, Barrios R. Low incidence of adverse drug reactions associated with generic-equivalent antiretroviral product substitutions in a publicly-funded HIV treatment program. Abstract presented (by Hunt OL.) at the 24th International AIDS Conference. Virtual/Montreal, Quebec. AIDS 2022, EPB124.
Tam C, Shen T, Chia J, Moore D, Salters K, Wesseling T, Grieve S, McLinden T, Pakhomova T, Dawydiuk N, Sereda P, Hogg R, Barrios R. Factors associated with antiretroviral treatment interruptions among people living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by Tam C.) at the 24th International AIDS Conference. Virtual/Montreal, Quebec. AIDS 2022, EPD337.
Closson K, Mudhikwa C, Chia J, McLinden T, Emerson S, Marshall C, Salters S, Hogg RS. Exploring differences in violence and abuse-related healthcare utilization and mortality among people living with and without HIV in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by Closson K.) at the 24th International AIDS Conference. Virtual/Montreal, Quebec. AIDS 2022, EPD420.
Lepik KJ, Hunt OL, Bacani N, Wang L, Toy J, Sereda P, McLinden T, Akagi L, Harris M, Ready E, Trigg J, Montaner JSG, Barrios R. Incidence and type of adverse reactions following brand-to-generic antiretroviral product substitution in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by Lepik KJ.) at the 2022 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Virtual. CAHR 2022, p. 55.
Tam C, Salters K, Moore D, Zhang W, Trigg J, Wesseling T, Grieve S, Parashar S, McLinden T, Sereda P, Moher M, McDougall P, Hogg R, Barrios R. Factors Associated with Mortality in a Cohort of People Living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by Tam C.) at the 2022 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Virtual. CAHR 2022, p. 65.
McClean AR, Lu H, Ye M, Marshall C, Trigg J, McLinden T, Kooij KW, Hogg RS. Trends in Hospitalization by Sex among People Living with HIV from 2006 to 2020 in the Canadian Healthcare Use Study (CHESS). Abstract presented (by McClean AR.) at the 2022 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Virtual. CAHR 2022, p. 262.
Yonkman A, Emerson S, McLinden T, Sereda P, Barrios R, Montaner J. Examining Healthcare Service Utilization Patterns of People Living with HIV in Rural British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by Yonkman A.) at the 2022 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Virtual. CAHR 2022, p. 297.
Emerson S, Yonkman A, McLinden T, Sereda P, Barrios R, Montaner J. Time until initiation of HIV care after an HIV+ test result recorded from 1997 to 2016 in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by Emerson S.) at the 2022 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Virtual. CAHR 2022, p. 298.
Toy J, Keeney C, Espinoza RM, Zhang W, Kao D, Ready E, Trigg J, Lepik KJ, Hull M, McLinden T, Lima VD, Sereda P, Moore D, Barrios R, Montaner JSG. COVID-19 pandemic impact on HIV PrEP program engagement in British Columbia. Abstract presented (by Toy J.) at the 2022 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Virtual. CROI 2022, Poster-Y08.
Relova S, McLinden T, Sereda P, Barrios R, Montaner JSG. HIV-Related Healthcare Utilization among People Living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by McLinden T.) at the 2021 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Virtual. CAHR 2021, p. 159.
Dhillon N, Tung AG, Trigg J, St-Jean M, Lima VD, Nanditha NGA, Montaner JSG, Barrios R, Laird K, Ye M, Stanley C, McLinden T, Salters K. Opioid use disorder, agonist therapy, and mortality among people living with HIV. Abstract presented (by Salters K.) at the 2021 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Virtual. CROI 2021, Spotlight-R5.
Closson K, Nicholson V, Lee M, Card K, Cassidy-Matthews C, McLinden T, Marziali M, Trigg J, Wang L, Parashar S, Montaner J, Gibbs A, Hart TA, Kaida A, Hogg RS. Examining associations between syndemic factors and HIV-outcomes by gender and sexual orientation among women, straight men, and gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men living with HIV. Abstract presented (by Closson K.) at the 2020 AIDS Conference. Virtual. AIDS 2020, Track C.
Bratu AG, McLinden T, Ye M, Li J, Sereda P, Nanditha NGA, Lima VD, Guillemi S, Hogg RS. Incidence of Diabetes Mellitus Among People Living with HIV Compared with HIV Negative Individuals in British Columbia Between 2001-2013. Abstract presented (by Bratu AG.) at the 2020 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Virtual. CAHR 2020, p. 38.
McClean A, Trigg J, Bacani N, Ye M, McLinden T, Hui C, Burchell A, Walmsley S, Kelly D, Machouf N, Sanche S, Montaner JSG, Loutfy M, Sereda P, Hogg RS. Neighbourhood Level Material Deprivation and Complete Immune Response (VL+/CD4+) in the Canadian HIV+ Observational Cohort Collaboration (CANOC). Abstract presented (by McClean A.) at the 2020 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Virtual. CAHR 2020, p. 43.
Bratu AG, McLinden T, Ye M, Li J, Sereda P, Nanditha NGA, Lima VD, Guillemi S, Hogg RS. Relationship Between Hypertension and Incidence of Diabetes Mellitus Among People Living with HIV in British Columbia Between 2001-2013. Abstract presented (by Bratu AG.) at the 2020 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Virtual. CAHR 2020, p. 224.
McLinden T, Nanditha NGA, Bratu AG, St-Jean M, Sereda P, Lima VD, Hogg RS, Barrios R. Context is Everything: a Recommendation for Selecting Case Definitions when Using Linked Administrative Health Data in HIV Research. Abstract presented (by McLinden T.) at the 2020 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Virtual. CAHR 2020, p. 267.
McClean A, McLinden T, Trigg J, Sereda P, Ye M, Bacani N, Aran N, Thomas R, Wong A, Kroch A, Klein MB, Brumme Z, Hull M, Cooper C, Salters K, Hogg RS. Tobacco Smoking and Complete Immune Response (VL+/CD4+) in the Canadian HIV+ Observational Cohort Collaboration (CANOC). Abstract presented (by McClean A.) at the 2020 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Virtual. CAHR 2020, p. 344.
Nanditha NGA, Zheng G, Tafessu HW, McLinden T, Bratu A, Hogg RS, Montaner JSG, Lima VD. Excess Mortality Among PLWH With Multimorbidity Compared To HIV-negative Controls. Abstract presented (by Nanditha NGA.) at the 2020 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Boston, Massachusetts. CROI 2020, P-Q04.
Closson K, Nicholson V, Lee M, Card KG, Cassidy-Matthews C, McLinden T, Marziali M, Trigg J, Wong C, Parashar S, Montaner JSG, Gibbs A, Hart T, Kaida A, Hogg RS. Examining differences in syndemic factors by gender and sexual orientation among women, straight men, and gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by Closson K.) at the 2020 International Workshop on HIV & Women. Boston, Massachusetts. 10th International Workshop on HIV and Women.
Marziali ME, McLinden T, Card KG, Closson K, Wang L, Trigg J, Salters K, Lima VD, Parashar S, Hogg RS. The Relationship Between Social Isolation and All-Cause Mortality Among People Living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by Marziali M.) at the 2020 American Psychopathological Association (APPA) Annual Meeting. New York, New York. APPASSN 2020.
McLinden T, Barrios R, Hogg RS. High-dimensional propensity score adjustment in HIV research using linked administrative health data. Abstract presented (by McLinden T.) at the 2019 4th International Conference on Administrative Data Research. Cardiff, Wales, UK. ADR 2019.
Marziali M, Card KG, Armstrong H, Closson K, Barath J, Wang L, McLinden T, Harris M, Roth EA, Moore DM, Lachowsky NJ, Hogg RS. Loneliness and self-rated physical health among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Vancouver, Canada. Abstract presented (by Marziali M.) at Summit 2019. Vancouver, British Columbia. Summit 2019.
Bever A, Grieve S, Wang L, Chau W, McLinden T, Wesseling T, Salters K, Bingham B, Moore D, Barrios R. Factors associated with HIV-related stigma among individuals accessing antiretroviral therapy in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by Bever A.) at the 2019 STI & HIV World Congress. Vancouver, British Columbia. Sexually Transmitted Infections, P141.
Bever A, Bingham B, McLinden T, Wang L, Chau W, Grieve S, Wesseling T, Salters K, Moore D, Barrios R. Prospective Changes in Clinical Outcomes Among People Living with HIV Who Have Previously Achieved Virologic Suppression. Abstract presented (by Bever A.) at the 2019 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. CAHR 2019, p. 105.
Marziali M, Card K, McLinden T, Salters K, Closson K, Wang L, Trigg J, Lima VD, Allan B, Hogg RS. Relationship Between Social Isolation and Mortality Among People Living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by Marziali M.) at the 2019 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. CAHR 2019, p. 106.
Marziali M, McLinden T, Card K, Salters K, Closson K, Wang L, Trigg J, Lima VD, Allan B, Hogg RS. Predictors of Social Isolation Among People Living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (by Marziali M.) at the 2019 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. CAHR 2019, p. 110.
Closson K, Gibbs A, McLinden T, Salters K, Li T, Trigg J, Braitstein P, Pick N, Montaner JSG, Kaida A, Hogg RS. Prevalence and Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence among a Cohort of Women living with HIV Marginalized by Socio-structural Inequities. Abstract presented (by Closson K.) at the 2019 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. CAHR 2019, p. 112.
Wesseling T, Bever A, McLinden T, Wang L, Chau W, Bingham B, Grieve S, Salters K, Moore D, Duddy J, Barrios R. Social Support is Associated with a Lower Likelihood of HIV Treatment Interruptions in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract presented (By Wesseling T.) at the 2019 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. CAHR 2019, p. 229.
Kibel M, Wu A, Closson K, St-Jean M, Marziali M, Ni Gusti Ayu N, Salters K, McLinden T, Eyawo O, Patterson T, Moore D, Elefante J, Joe R, Barrios R, Lima VD, Hogg RS. Mental Health Diagnoses in a Population-based Cohort of People Living with HIV. Abstract presented (by Kibel M.) at the 2019 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. CAHR 2019, p. 241.
Choi JH, McLinden T, Card K, Li J, Ma Y, Puskas C, Lima VD, Jaworsky D, Loutfy M, Allan B, Brown J, Hogg RS. The Impact of Geographic Location on HIV Viral Suppression and Mortality among People Who Use Injection Drugs. Abstract presented (by Choi JH.) at the 2019 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. CAHR 2019, p. 252.
McLinden T, Bacani N, Allan B, Ma Y, Cooper C, Loutfy M, Salters K, Kroch A, Kelly DV, Klein MB, Walmsley SL, Wong A, Sereda P, Trigg J, Eyawo O, Brown J, Hogg RS. The Canadian Observational Cohort (CANOC): Canada’s Largest Multi-province Study of People Living with HIV on Antiretroviral Therapy. Abstract presented (by McLinden T.) at the 2019 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. CAHR 2019, p. 256.
Closson K, Gibbs A, McLinden T, Salters K, Li T, Trigg J, Braitstein P, Montaner JSG, Kaida A, Hogg RS. Intimate Partner Violence, Depression, and Mortality among a Cohort of Women living with HIV Marginalized by Socio-structural Inequities in Vancouver, Canada. Abstract presented (by Closson K.) at the 2019 International Workshop on HIV & Women. Seattle, Washington. 9th International Workshop on HIV and Women, p. 13.
Koehn K, McLinden T, Collins A, McDougall P, Baltzer-Turje R, Wang C, Li J, Salters K, Parashar S, Hogg RS. Assessing the impact of food insecurity on HIV medication adherence in the context of an integrated care facility for people living with HIV in Vancouver, Canada. Abstract presented (by Koehn K.) at the 2018 HIV Glasglow Conference. Glasglow, Scotland. Journal of the International AIDS Society, P084.
McLinden T, Moodie EEM, Hamelin A-M, Harper S, Rossi C, Walmsley SL, Rourke SB, Cooper C, Klein MB, Cox J. Methadone treatment, severe food insecurity, and HIV-HCV co-infection: a propensity score matching analysis. Abstract presented (by McLinden T.) at the 2018 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Vancouver, British Columbia. CAHR 2018, p. 166.
Burgess H, Pan S, Zhu J, Lyndon S, Thompson B, McLinden T, Salters K, Enjetti A, Hogg RS, Parashar S. Sociodemographic Correlates of Housing Satisfaction from a Study of an HIV-Specific Supportive Housing Intervention in Vancouver, Canada. Abstract presented (by Burgess H.) at the 2018 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Vancouver, British Columbia. CAHR 2018, p. 177.
McLinden T, Moodie EEM, Hamelin A-M, Harper S, Aibibula W, Klein MB, Cox J. Injection drug use, unemployment, and severe food insecurity in HIV-hepatitis C virus co-infected individuals in Canada. Abstract presented (by McLinden T.) at the 2017 Society for Epidemiologic Research - 50th Anniversary Conference. Seattle, Washington. SER 50.
Aibibula W, Cox J, Hamelin A-M, Naimi AI, McLinden T, Klein MB, Brassard P. Food Insecurity May Lead to Incomplete HIV Viral Suppression and Less Immune Reconstitution Among HIV-HCV Co-Infected People in Canada. Abstract presented (by Aibibula W.) at the 2017 Society for Epidemiologic Research - 50th Anniversary Conference. Seattle, Washington. SER 50.
McLinden T, Moodie EEM, Hamelin A-M, Walmsley SL, Paradis G, Rourke SB, Cooper C, Klein MB, Cox J. Differences in food insecurity in HIV-HCV co-infected individuals in British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec. Abstract presented (by McLinden T.) at the 2017 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Montreal, Quebec. CAHR 2017, p. 160.
McLinden T, Moodie EEM, Hamelin A-M, Paradis G, Rourke SB, Cooper C, Klein MB, Cox J. Injection drug use, low income, and severe food insecurity in HIV-HCV co-infected individuals in Canada: a mediation analysis. Abstract presented (by McLinden T.) at the 2016 HIV Endgame II: Stopping the Syndemics that Drive HIV Conference. Toronto, Ontario. The Ontario HIV Treatment Network.
Thomas S, McLinden T, Chia J, Ding E, Colley G, Merritt K, Dattadeen J-A, Loutfy M, Antoniou T, Raboud J, Burchell A, Rourke SB, Hogg RS, Cox J. Association between neighbourhood-level material deprivation and HIV care interruption in the Canadian Observational Cohort Collaboration (CANOC). Abstract presented (by Thomas S.) at the 2016 HIV Endgame II: Stopping the Syndemics that Drive HIV Conference. Toronto, Ontario. The Ontario HIV Treatment Network.
McLinden T, Moodie EEM, Hamelin A-M, Wusiman A, Khosrow-Khavar F, Conway B, Hull M, Cooper C, Paradis G, Gill J, Rourke SB, Klein MB, Cox J. Injection drug use and depressive symptoms are associated with food insecurity in HIV-hepatitis C virus co-infected individuals in Canada. Abstract presented (by McLinden T.) at the 2016 Advancing Food Insecurity Research in Canada Conference. Toronto, Ontario. PROOF - Food Insecurity Policy Research, p. 17.
Aibibula W, Cox J, Hamelin A-M, McLinden T, Klein MB, Brassard P. Association Between Food Insecurity and HIV Viral Suppression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Abstract presented (by Aibibula W.) at the Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics 2016 National Student Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba. American Journal of Epidemiology, 009.
McLinden T, Cox J, Hamelin A-M, Moodie EEM, Paradis G, Cooper C, Gill J, Anema A, Rourke SB, Wong L, Klein MB. Injection drug use is associated with food insecurity in HIV-HCV co-infected individuals in Canada (CTN264) – a sub-study of the Canadian Co-infection Cohort (CCC). Abstract presented (by McLinden T.) at the 2016 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Winnipeg, Manitoba. CAHR 2016, p. 158.
Hamelin A-M, Cox J, Desjardins E, McLinden T, Kocilowicz J, Paradis G, Walmsley SL, Rourke SB, Klein MB. A qualitative analysis of food insecurity among HIV-HCV co-infected persons (CTN264) – a sub-study of the Canadian Co-infection Cohort (CCC; CTN222). Abstract presented (by Hamelin A-M.) at the 2015 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. Toronto, Ontario. CAHR 2015, Vol. 26 Suppl. B: 111B.